
The Essential Qualities of Beauty


The Essential Qualities of Beauty

Beauty is often defined as the aesthetic appreciation of certain characteristics of objects which makes these objects aesthetically pleasurable to see. These objects may include sunsets, landscapes, beautiful humans and other works of art. Beauty, along with beauty and art, is the most important theme of aesthetics, among the major branches of psychology. According to Picasso in his Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (19anguagal), beauty is “the aesthetic faculty which I use to express my ideas; it is my means of expressing my feelings”.

According to several philosophers and psychological researchers, some characteristics of beauty are essential characteristics of beauty. They consider colors to be one essential characteristic of beauty, which is why the color red is a favorite for lovers of red colors such as tomatoes or red apples. Colors are essential characteristics of beauty because they allow aesthetic experience to pass through the senses (since we only have our eyes to see things, thus seeing colors is a form of visual communication). In addition, the theory of essential characteristics of beauty defines beauty through its relation to human needs and wants. For instance, the theory of essential qualities of beauty relates beauty to human need and want.

It was Albert Einstein who said, “I think that beauty is nothing special in itself; it is something that happens because of what I call the law of fascination”, thus explaining the phenomenon of women falling in love with men they can not resist, even if they would not normally look towards or talk to them. It was also Einstein’s theory of relativity that explained why an apple falls from a tree. Because the force of gravity acts equally on all the smallest particles of an object, it is impossible for objects to gain or lose weight. Furthermore, several years later, the British philosopher Russell once observed that the real beauty lies in the inner beauty of a person, thus explaining why old age is considered a beauty defying phenomenon.