Gambling and Mental Health


People with a gambling addiction often repeat the same behavior over again, hoping to hit the “high” they crave. In addition to chasing losses, these individuals often think that by doubling their bets, they will win back what they’ve lost. This can become a vicious cycle, as the craving increases when the individual’s ability to resist it declines. The increased frequency of gambling increases the physical and psychological impact of the addiction.

Problem gambling is a mental health issue

The deleterious impact of problem gambling is well documented. It negatively impacts individuals, families, and communities, and has serious implications for societal wellbeing. Despite the evidence of its detrimental impacts, the stigma associated with problem gambling continues to keep people from seeking support. To overcome this stigma, RANZCP is committed to advocating for increased funding and evidence-based services. The association’s website provides resources on problem gambling, as well as case studies to help educate those concerned about this mental health problem.

It can destroy lives

The negative consequences of gambling can be devastating. People who gamble regularly lose their savings, homes, and careers. Those who stop gambling are lauded and deserve recognition. However, people who continue gambling need to be aware of the dangers of compulsive behavior. The signs of problem gambling are present in troubled youth long before they even enter college. This is why early intervention is necessary. In order to prevent future tragedy, it is vital that people stop gambling.

It is a harmless social activity

Many people believe that gambling is a harmless social activity, but the truth is quite different. While gambling-related harms include stress, depression, headaches, and anxiety, the social costs of gambling also far outweigh the health benefits. Below, we compare the social costs of gambling in the UK and Australia. We also look at the impact of gambling on different groups and how to best manage participation. This article aims to address these questions and encourage individuals to play responsibly.

It can lead to other mental health problems

While there is a clear connection between gambling and mental health, some individuals have no idea that compulsive gambling can actually worsen these conditions. Many people have mood disorders and compulsive gambling can exacerbate these conditions. Even if you stop gambling, the mood disorder will remain. These problems should be treated as they develop, as gambling may lead to other problems. Listed below are some mental health conditions that are commonly associated with gambling.

It can be treated

Compulsive gambling can be treated in a similar way as other addictions. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common treatment method that helps individuals deal with their problems and break them down into smaller, manageable parts. It may be possible to use medications for this condition, as they are already available for alcohol and nicotine addictions. Behavioral treatments can also involve counseling or self-help guides. Gamblers can also seek help from a support group.