
Philosophy on Sports


There is a wide variety of philosophy on sports. The study of sports has been widely supported by scholars, including Spencer K. Wertz, Hans Ulrich Gumbretch, and Wolfgang Welsch. However, some critics claim that sport lacks aesthetic qualities. For example, some people argue that art is not for the masses, and that only elite athletes have aesthetic tastes. While these arguments are valid, they do not explain the reasons why some people find art in sport more appealing than others.

What constitutes a sport? The answer is different for each individual sport. One definition defines it as a physical activity involving exertion and movement. Another definition describes it as an activity where an opponent is capable of stopping or deflecting the opponent’s shot. Sports are generally played by humans, but machines are also included. Sports require physical exertion and physical exhaustion to be considered a legitimate form of exercise. If you are a fan of any of these types of activities, you may be able to find a sport that suits your interests.

The history of sports dates back to Ancient Greece. The philosophers Aristotle and Plato viewed sports as essential to human flourishing. According to Aristotle, a well-educated person must develop the harmony of the mind and the body. Later on, medieval and modern cultures also considered the role of sport in human life. Romans viewed sport as a means of preparing warriors. The fifth book of the Aeneid celebrates the power of speed and strength, highlighting the importance of preparing for war.