
The World Health Organization’s Definition of Health


The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being free from disease, infirmity, or disability. This definition, however, is not always accurate. For example, someone with diabetes is not necessarily in good health if the condition requires medication, while another person with back pain isn’t in poor health. But despite these shortcomings, the WHO is credited with promoting a more dynamic view of health, which includes the ability to satisfy needs and fulfill aspirations, and the capacity to change and adapt the environment around oneself.

The World Health Organization defines health as “an organization composed of at least one hospital and a group of physicians providing comprehensive health care.” Whether a physician group belongs to a hospital or a foundation, a health system must be integrated. Joint participation in accountable care organizations is not considered joint management. In addition, a health system may be a group of physicians who work in a community, but a hospital system is considered a health system.

The definition of health varies by culture, age, and profession. The medical model defines health as the absence of disease and calls a person healthy. The biopsychosocial model focuses on the social, psychological, and spiritual components of illness. The World Health Organisation states that health is “a state of complete well-being.” This declaration might be too ambitious, but there are many reasons to believe otherwise. For example, physical health can improve your mental health.