
The Concept of Beauty

As time went on, the concept of beauty began to shift from its natural state to a function of class. The 16th-century French physician Jean Liebault believed the ideal woman should have pale cheeks, soft eyes, a double chin, and thin lips. Red hair and eyebrows were out. Her facial features also reflected class and her ears were small and prominent. In the 1630s, it was fashionable for women to wear black wigs and have a pronounced chin.

Aristotle’s conception of beauty reflected the complexities of the subject-object relationship. His definition of beauty is subjective, depending on how observers perceive it. His conception of objectivity is atypical, and he calls the world of Forms a realm of ideals and non-physical forms. Aristotle, on the other hand, held a more objective view of the concept of “beauty”, defining it by its aesthetic qualities and the features of art objects.

There are many types of beauty. The most common one is physical attractiveness, which is dependent on aesthetics and the emotional response of observers. A woman with a perfectly symmetrical face, for instance, is said to be beautiful, while a man with a sexy smile is considered beautiful. A person with a perfect body is described as gorgeous in one country, while an attractive woman might be attractive in another. And so on.