
Older Adults’ Health: More Than Just Age


Older Adults’ Health: More Than Just Age

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of full physical, emotional and social well being and not just the absence of sickness and disease. A number of definitions have also been used over the years for different purposes. For example, a healthy body is one that has a strong immune system and is able to resist diseases.

In today’s world, with more individuals living longer than ever before, the definition of health has become a bit more complex. More emphasis is placed on prevention of illness and unhealthy practices. This means that older adults are encouraged to take care of themselves, both through medical and non medical measures. In addition, because of advances in preventive health care, illnesses are becoming less severe and even sometimes treatable. By preventing illness and disease through healthy practices, older adults can avoid the consequences of premature aging and illness, such as debilitating diseases, disability, and even death.

Health, as it relates to physical well being, is important because health allows us to live a happy life, and to do the things we want and accomplish. It includes our ability to enjoy the beauty of nature and the simple pleasures of human interaction. Older adults need to be aware of the importance of eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and leading a healthy lifestyle. If a person has a good health picture, they are likely to be less likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors and live a physically active life with a high quality of physical activity.