
Beauty – An Introduction

Beauty is generally defined as a physical trait of things that makes these things pleasurable to see. These things include sunsets, landscapes, humans, and other works of art. Beauty, along with individual taste and art, is perhaps the most significant topic of aesthetics, another of the major branches of modern philosophy. Philosophy also often includes aesthetic studies, which study the effect of beauty on people. In recent years, the word beauty has become associated with high tech and expensive goods.


According to some definitions, beauty has been determined through observation. It is noted that the most beautiful women in the world tend to have voluptuous figures, prominent hips, wide shoulders, large breasts and dark eyes. According to Charles Darwin, there are nine natural types of beauty, each graded from the most beautiful to the least beautiful.

The psychologists agree that beauty has both physical and psychological components. Physical beauty has been found to be important in shaping societal relationships. A physically attractive person is more likely to be chosen for a job or date by members of the opposite sex, even when given the same qualifications. Moreover, the phenomenon of facial attractiveness is known to influence the perception of an individual’s actual personality, which may explain why some people find attractive people more trustworthy and successful than others.