
A Brief History Of Beauty

The term ‘beauty’ is most commonly defined as a subjective quality of certain objects, which makes these objects aesthetically pleasing to perceive. However, other factors such as how the object appears to the human eye, its usefulness or importance to society or the individual are also taken into account when beauty is discussed. These factors are collectively referred to as beauty. Beauty, along with other aesthetic criteria, is perhaps the most important theme of aesthetics, among the major branches of contemporary philosophy.


Many philosophers and aestheticians have been arguing about beauty for ages. philosophers such as Aristotle believed that beauty was a natural function of our visual senses, using biological evidence such as appearance and physiology to support this belief. More recently, Descartes made use of an image-the idea of beauty being an abstract object, much like our ideas of good and bad. According to Descartes, beauty is a mind thing, something that can be possessed by man. Other philosophers argue that there are multiple standards of beauty based on how they view the beauty, and some even go so far as to define beauty itself.

In modern times, most theories on beauty are social and individualistic. When discussing beauty, it is usually understood to be the personal value judgments about how we personally define beauty. Some people may find beauty in things such as music, books, movies and other artistic forms while others may find it in things such as nature, architecture, and clothing. Beauty has been found to be a very subjective concept, with some people believing that beauty is a visual cue that a particular object is worth more than it actually is, and that certain types of behavior are indicative of beauty. Beauty is, in fact, one of many possible human concepts that can explain why certain things or types of people are considered beautiful or desirable.