Aesthetics and Beauty
Aesthetics and Beauty
The word beauty actually originates from the Greek word “bes”, which means beautiful. Beauty is also commonly defined as a mental attribute of things that makes these things enjoyable to see. Such things as sunsets, gardens, humans, landscapes and works of artwork are typically regarded as being a beauty. Beauty, along with aestheticism, is usually the main theme of aesthetics, another of the major branches of psychology. Many other areas of psychology also deal with beauty.
In order to have a successful argument for beauty in aesthetic terms, it is necessary to show how beauty relates to the other major branches of psychology such as aesthetics, which as we have seen, often deals with the mental attributes of beauty. To do this, it is important to show how beauty relates to the other branches of psychology, including the other social sciences, which tend to ask their readers how beauty fits into their models of the world. By showing how beauty relates to all of these branches, a successful aesthetics study can be undertaken. This is part of an overall effort to understand how beauty relates to the other branches of psychology.
Beauty has many connotations ranging from being unattractive to being precious, from being lustrous to being dewy and everything in between. It is therefore important to ask oneself why beauty is valuable and how a person feels about beauty. This may not be a very easy question to answer given that the answer may vary depending on the beholder. It is however, in most cases, an easy question to answer provided that the beholder views beauty objectively. For example, if you look at a beautiful sunset then you view beauty in different ways than if you look at a naked person sunbathing.