
The Definition of Health


The Definition of Health

Health is a state of complete well-being. While the World Health Organization has several definitions, there is no universally agreed upon definition. Nevertheless, the WHO says that health is a state of complete well-being and the absence of disease or infirmity. There are many different purposes for the term, and defining it as a state of being in good physical and mental condition is important. This article outlines some common uses of the term.

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. This includes both physical and psychological components. Some health conditions are the result of structural factors, such as pollution and food security. Public health practitioners also take into account the health of entire communities, while clinical practitioners are focused on a single person’s health. But what are the best ways to promote good health? Here are some tips: (a) reducing unhealthful activities, and (b) ensuring a balanced diet and a balanced lifestyle.

Taking the ‘complete health’ view of health is counterproductive. Few people will be completely healthy all of the time, and this mindset contributes to the over-medicalization of society. Further, this view fails to take chronic diseases and disabilities into account. Hence, it is unrealistic. A better approach is to see health as a means to living, rather than an end result of disease or injury. This view of health is essential for promoting well-being in communities and achieving the 2020 objectives.