Introduction to Sports


Introduction to Sports

Sports (or physical activities) is any forms of generally competitive physical activity that, through organised or casual competition, attempt to utilize, improve or develop specific physical skill and ability while also providing entertainment for participants, and occasionally, spectators. This may include athletics, motor sports such as skiing, motor cycle racing, golf, rugby and soccer, athletic competition such as wrestling, fencing, track and field and boxing, bicycling, skating and hockey. In most of these sports, the competition takes place in a setting with the goal of obtaining an award, prize or trophy. The types of sports vary widely and it would be impossible to classify each one as a sport without considering the purpose for which it was developed. Some sports may be inter-related, where some types of activity lend themselves to others, and the competition is to achieve an award or prize that is shared by the winner and the losers.

Competitive sports are popular worldwide, though the term is used commonly to describe any physical activity that requires skill and the use of speed and physical strength, often above and beyond what a participant would derive from regular exercise. Competitive sports involve competitive matches or activities between two or more individuals. In some sports, like skiing, ice skating, motor cycling and snow boarding, the participants compete against one another on a track or trail, whereas other sports may focus on contact sports such as rugby, boxing and wrestling. One type of competitive sports is generally classified as a contact sport, whereas another may be classified as an endurance sport or purely as a form of gymnastics.

While there are many different types of sports, all of them share some common features, such as the use of motions that enable the participant to use both feet and hands to assist the task at hand. Many of these sports were developed to provide a competitive arena for members of a group, whether these are family members friends or other groups of people who come together for the shared activity. While there are many different sports, there are also certain sports that are universally recognized as being sports. For example, soccer and American football are recognized as national games by various governing bodies. In addition, certain other games, including fencing, ice skating and hockey, have strong governing bodies that set standards and qualifications for participation. As with any form of physical activity, participation in sports is encouraged for health, fitness and body image benefits and can also help to build social interaction and camaraderie among participants.