What Makes Us Beautiful?
What Makes Us Beautiful?
We all know that whiteness is the most desirable race, but what makes us aesthetically pleasing? While Socrates praised the virtues of color, Aristippus took a more direct approach. He asked, “Why is an ox beautiful?” He argued that the proper proportions of an object depend on the kind of object. While a beautiful ox would be unattractive, an ugly horse would be ugly.
The term beauty is a conceptual concept that transcends particular Forms. It is an objective principle that transcends the particular form, and therefore is the object of study. As such, it is a fundamental human value. It is a form of expression that allows us to express our individuality. It is the essence of our humanity, and our most basic human instinct. It is an important part of our identity, and we must never lose it.
While the definition of beauty has changed over time, the concept remains the same. In the Renaissance, plumpness was considered a sign of wealth, and in the 90s, a waif in a “heroin chic” outfit was deemed attractive. However, the modern definition of beauty is more rational and seeks to distill the essence of beauty into a model or formula. In a word, it is about being appealing to the eye.