
What Is a Lottery?

A competition based wholly or principally on chance, in which numbered tickets are sold and prizes given to the holders of those numbers; also, figuratively, any event, act, or behavior whose outcome is determined by luck. In addition to the prizes, lottery profits often go toward administrative and vendor costs, as well as public projects.

Lottery is a popular pastime and an important source of revenue for state governments. State laws regulate the games, and lottery directors select and train retail store employees to operate lottery terminals, purchase and redeem tickets, and sell merchandise. They also pay high-tier prizes to players, administer statewide marketing and advertising campaigns, and verify that retailers and players comply with state lottery laws and rules. In an anti-tax era, lotteries are an effective way to fund state government without raising taxes or cutting spending on vital services.

Many states allow private companies to manage their lotteries, but most run a state-owned and controlled operation. State officials have to weigh the benefits and risks of running a public lottery against the need to increase state revenues in a tight fiscal environment. In doing so, they must balance the needs of a diverse range of stakeholders, including convenience store operators (the primary vendors for lotteries); lottery suppliers; teachers in states where lottery proceeds are earmarked for education; state legislators (who quickly become accustomed to the extra money); and the general public.

Because a lottery is a form of gambling, state officials must also be concerned with the impact that it has on poor people and problem gamblers. State lotteries promote gambling, which has been linked to a wide variety of negative social outcomes. Lottery advertisements tout the promise of instant wealth, which can lure vulnerable populations into a cycle of debt and dependency. The regressive nature of lottery play makes it an especially harmful activity for the very poor, who don’t have enough discretionary income to spend a significant amount on a ticket.

When discussing the merits of the lottery, many critics point to its regressive nature and its role in perpetuating poverty. The poorest households—those in the bottom quintile—do not have enough disposable income to afford a substantial lottery investment, even if they won a large prize. Moreover, the lottery encourages dependency, since winning a big prize requires continuing to play.

A state’s ability to profit from a lottery raises important ethical questions about the nature of the public’s relationship with gambling. If it is legitimate for a state to make money from a gambling enterprise, how can that revenue be managed to avoid harming the poor or problem gamblers? And is promoting gambling an appropriate function for the state, given that it conflicts with the broader public interest in reducing addiction and poverty?