
The Definition of Beauty


The Definition of Beauty

Beauty is an aesthetic quality that pleases the sense of sight and aesthetics. It may be the symmetry of a face or the symmetry of a body. It may be determined by age, race, colour, and gender. The term beauty also encompasses the social and political context of the person’s appearance. The perception of beauty is shaped by our culture and society. In Western society, it is important to distinguish between beauty that comes from within and beauty that comes from outside.

Objects can be anything from a fictional character to a mass-manufactured knickknack. It could be anything from a hand-held mirror to a beautiful vase. Regardless of whether it is an object, it should be pleasing to the eye. Besides being aesthetically appealing, they may also be useful or functional. For example, people who love the color purple may want to display it on their nails.

The definition of beauty has changed over time. During the Renaissance, plumpness was considered a sign of wealth. In the 90s, a waif dubbed “heroin chic” was deemed beautiful. In today’s world, the definition of beauty has become a rational process that seeks to reduce beauty to formulas and models. Nevertheless, the goal is to preserve the definition of beauty as it was in the days of Plato.