What Is The Difference Between Health And The Wealth?
What Is The Difference Between Health And The Wealth?
Health is a condition of mental, physical and social well being in which infirmity and illness are absent. Over the years, various definitions have also been applied for different purposes. For the purpose of this article we will be dealing with the definition as it relates to an individual’s overall health. It should be noted that the definition of health varies greatly from culture to culture and even from country to country.
As the definition indicates, health is the sum total of all of a person’s physical and mental well-being. In essence, the term “well-being” is used to encompass aspects of life that help make people feel positive in the face of adversity and in situations that might lead to serious illness or physical limitation. There are four components of physical health that pertain to human beings; muscle strength, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and endurance. Mental health, on the other hand, includes aspects of the brain such as the ability to solve problems, creativity and the ability to make rational decisions.
Although there has been some recent push in the United States for more educational funding for mental health care, the lack of resources has created problems for people of color and other underserved groups when it comes to obtaining proper treatment and mental health care. Because of this, issues related to health disparity and health care among people of color are now becoming more widespread. One example of this is the so-called “pandemic” that has swept across the nation in the last year. The pandemic is an outbreak of flu-like illnesses that have affected more than 20 states in the last twelve months. The increase in cases of flu-like illnesses, mostly in children, has caused health officials to expand their services in order to prevent future outbreaks and to serve those who are currently experiencing symptoms related to the flu.